Hiya kids.
Just getting the feel of this place... pretty roomy, decent interior, rent's cheap... I'm hoping the HaloScan comments continue to work; I had a few problems with them in the initial set-up, but they seem to be doing all right now. Guess I'll stay for a while.
If you're here reading this now, you are aware that I've decided to set up shop on my own. I'm flying solo in the blogosphere for the foreseeable future -- at least here I am -- so the only one responsible for content on this site is yours truly.
Once again I'd like to extend my thanks and grateful appreciation to
Citizen Daryl for getting me started in this crazy world, for giving me a forum in which to rant and expound and play the fool. Now it's time for me to strike out on my own (and grab some pine, meat!). So that's what I'm doing.
There's so much to talk about, so much to write about and reference and link to, I hardly know where to begin.
The Merry Christmas Crisis shows no signs of abating before next Saturday; maybe Bludney Plud from I Can't Believe It's Not News will have a word or two on that front. (We hear that Bill O'Reilly has declared a "big victory for the Baby Jesus!")
Nearly half of all Americans surveyed want to
restrict the civil liberties of American Muslims. Not foreigners --
American citizens who happen to worship in the Islamic persuasion!
The maladministration wants to throw good money after bad on a
missile defense system that doesn't work, never has worked and never will work.
Preznit Chimpy McJingo held just the 17th press conference of his accursed reign yesterday, and showed once again why
Big Lies are always the Best Lies. There are also noises being made -- albeit not very loud ones -- that he is the ultimate signer-offer on the torture and mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners,
according to some documentsrecently obtained through FOIA requests; though whether that story has any legs or not will probably depend on how much time the networks decide they still need to spend on that woman who stole a fetus in Missouri. Donny Rumsfailed, even after his flippant "fuck you" to the Army and rubber-stamp crisis, is
still Secretary of Defense, boggling nearly every mind capable of rational thought around the globe.
And, of course, there are good Americans and innocent Iraqi civilians still
dying every day in the War That Didn't Have To Be, thanks to the blunder-headed macho idiocy of the aforementioned pair of dickheads.
So yeah, we've got our work cut out for us... or should I say
I've got
my work cut out for
me. First person singular. Who you talkin' to? There's nobody here but me.