Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Lying Never Stops

I'm a bit late to this, I know, but as someone who was once accused of "blaming the president for a hurricane," I feel like I should at least acknowledge and link to this story from the NY Times. It seems that, just as they were warned that Osama bin Laden was "determined to strike in the US" (a warning that Preznit Pet Goat felt safe in ignoring), so too was the administration warned about the catastrophic potential for the devastation of New Orleans if hurricane Katrina hit with the force expected. This, of course, led to Brownie's "heckuva job" and Clueless George's comment -- backed up by his crony Michael Chertoff -- "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees."

No, George, no one could have expected that -- unless they read the goddamned report, maybe.

Now the administration is trying to stonewall the investigation into the bungling and mismanagement of this terrible disaster -- just as they stonewalled the investigation into 9/11 and every other incident that has happened on their watch, that has been royally fucked up by their ineptitude and that shows once again just how completely overmatched and incompetent they are.

Pathetic. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so damn tragic. Just like this entire cabal of clowns and snake-oil salesmen administration.
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