Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Well, that's it. It's over. Done. Finished. The grand experiment that was the United States has been killed, the final nail put in the coffin with Emperor Palpatine's Preznit Stay The Course's signing of the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Now he can legally detain anyone, inside or outside the US, withhold evidence against that person, torture him and keep him incarcerated indefinitely, thanks to our shameless rubber-stamp Congress (including far too many misguided Democrats) ceding their power to the new King of America. Whether the Supreme Court will ultimately find this legislation unconstitutional or not is anyone's guess -- though I'm not personally holding out much hope. After all, what's more important -- hundreds of years of precedent and guaranteed Constitutional rights or keeping the Torturer in Chief happy? I think I already know how Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, at least, feel about it.

Buh-bye, due process of law. So long, habeas corpus. Adios, right to examine the evidence against you. Later, right to a speedy trial. It was nice knowing all of you.

Excuse me now, won't you? There are a couple men in dark suits at my door...
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