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This morning, driving south on 101 in San Francisco on my way to work, I saw a sign on the overpass just past Vermont Street that read "Mussolini, Ceausescu, Cheney." That reminded me that I needed to post this for those of you who haven't already seen it. Get those signs going now, so you'll be ready for the 28th! ITMFA!
An Important Message from Freewayblogger
An Important Message from Freewayblogger
Dear Freewaybloggers,
On Saturday, April 28th, tens of thousands of Americans will be making their voices heard by putting the word IMPEACH! in front of the public eye (see Along with demonstrations and media events around the country, it's going to be up to us freewaybloggers to really get the message out. Freewayblogging, as you know, is the simple art of placing text in front of traffic in such a way as to maximize the number of people who see it. Although large banners on overpasses are popular, the best method by far is to place smaller signs, four or five feet long, on peripheral fencing or trees alongside the freeway. These signs will stay up for days, sometimes weeks, rather than hours, and require nothing more than cardboard, paint and a little bit of cleverness to post.
Remember that when all those flags went up on overpasses after 9/11 they established a legal precedent to use freeways for the expression of free political speech, and it's time we started using it. A single sign placed next to a major freeway can be seen by 200,000 people a day and remain up for days before it comes down: ten signs placed next to a couple different freeways can be seen by over a million people. easily, before they come down.
When the Founders of this Nation gave its citizens the right to full and unfettered free political speech, they didn't mean it as window dressing or a nicety, they meant for us to use it, and I think you'll agree it's time. So please help make a statement, and make history, on April 28!
For complete info on the A28 nationwide impeachment actions, click here.
For complete info on the A28 nationwide impeachment actions, click here.
For more details on signmaking and posting go here:
and here: (type "arsenal" into the search box for tips)

and here: (type "arsenal" into the search box for tips)

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