Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Amendment? What Amendment?

Here's the one thing I forgot to mention in my round-up of stories that I shoulda woulda coulda reported on in real time if only I had been paying attention... and hadn't been held hostage buying double Manhattans (no cherry) and shots of Moutai in the barroom of the Cloning Winona Ryder Memorial Spliced Blue Gene Dude Ranch over the past long weekend...

I saw a story in the Sunday Chronicle -- and coudn't find a link to it, but here's a letter to the editor referencing it (scroll down) -- that said Preznit Divider Not A Uniter is no longer pushing for a Constitutional amendment for "defending" heterosexual marriage, because he has been assured by the US Senate that hetero marriage is safe, thanks to the Defense of Marriage Act. (Thank you, Preznit Clenis, Best Republican Preznit of the Latter Half of the 20th Century!)

He couldn't have meant to say that, oh, let's see, "the election is over, and I no longer need to advocate for something as ridiculous and impossible to achieve as a Constitutional amendment codifying discrimination, in order to drive a wedge between the American voters who think all gays should be killed outright and those who think they should just be rounded up and sent off to re-education camps, so let's forget all about what I said over the last few months, because the fundies will support me anyway, and I have more devious plans on my plate, like abolishing Social Security and going to war with Iran," could he? Could he?!?
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