Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Shame, Shame, Shame

Never underestimate the power of shame.

After The Biggest Li'l Dictator in the Western Hemisphere got an earful about the initial paltry sums he was pledging for disaster relief in tsunami-ravaged countries, he and his maladministration upped the figure ten-fold. Though that's still not a huge amount when compared to other countries' contributions (hello, Japan!), or to the amount being spent on Iraq daily, or when you consider just how much money we actually have at our disposal -- a tidy sum of which will be spent on high-rolling Rethug contributors who want to eat the Preznit's Balls on January 20th -- it is something. Surely the sting of being called "stingy" came into play in making that decision.

Now we read that Bugfucker Tom DeLay and his Repugnantcan Mafia cronies in the House are backing down from the proposed rule change that would have allowed The (Dumb as a) Hammer to keep his post even if indicted, which is looking increasingly likely. One of the stated reasons for doing so was to keep the Democrats from having an issue with which to batter their rivals across the aisle, but you know what -- so what? If that's what it takes for the GOoPers to do the right thing, then so be it. Baby steps, GOPeople, baby steps.

Tom DeLay, in a rare moment of indecision, debates whether spitting or swallowing will be more advantageous to his chances of beating the rap.

Shame -- and public outcry -- can work. Now we need to keep the pressure on in other arenas... like the proposed Social Security debacle makeover; or the proposal to keep political prisoners presently in Guantanamo incarcerated for life; or the continued employment of Col. Klink Donald Rumsfailed; or the nomination of Little Elian Alberto Gonzales as Chief Torturer Head Executioner Attorney General. Shame, shame, shame all around.
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