Tuesday, February 01, 2005


So I was in the local Rite-Aid this afternoon getting a prescription refilled, and on the way out I took a look at the tabloid newspaper headlines posted up by the cash registers. I don't know if it was Weekly World News or The Enquirer or what (though I think it was the WWN), but the whole page was taken up with the headline "Antichrist to Run for President." There was an artist's rendering of an evil-looking visage underneath the headline and some ominous clouds surrounding it, and all I could think was, hey, excuse me, but the friggin' Antichrist already ran for president... and he won!

Now I'm not a Christian by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know something about the tenets of that particular religion. And if there is any world leader who regularly practices the exact opposite of the teachings of the liberal peacenik who allegedly founded that sect, it's our current Preznit. He cares nothing about the poor, the sick or the hungry. He is all about pride and greed and false witness. Rather than turning the other cheek, he is all about striking first. He and the many members of the so-called "religious" right who support him demonstrate over and over just how NOT to follow the teachings of the Christian New Testament.

They are the Anti-Jesus Christians. They are the Americans stupid enough and superstitious enough and judgmental enough to take a Weekly World News headline to heart; to believe that somewhere out there in the scary secular world, an entity lurks that is the embodiment of Satan on this Earth; and they are too blind to see that the man they worship as the current Preznit Given Power By Divine Right actually fits the model of the Antichrist as they believe in it.

Maybe the Weekly World News headline actually has it right, and it's just a couple months late.
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