Wednesday Joementum Blogging
Today we see the illustrious Joe in his business suit inspecting one of Alberto VO5 Gonzales' hastily-rigged Guantanamo Specials.
"Gosh-a-roonie, Mr. Gonzales, this is the coolest stopping-just-short-of-torture device I've ever seen!"
While the official word is not yet out, there is a possibility that Joe will come to his senses somewhat and actually join the Democrats in voting no to Gonzales' confirmation asTorquemada Attorney General. On the other hand, we have freshman Colorado Senator Ken Salazar saying that he plans on voting for confirmation. Apparently Salazar, who happily introduced Gonzales, is looking to pull a Ben Nighthorse Campbell trick by getting elected as a Democrat, then immediately crossing the aisle and declaring himself a member of the Torture Republican Party.
It seems that SenatorSalamander Salazar didn't hear what his esteemed colleague, Massachussetts Senator Ted Kennedy (a man with a pair bigger than Salazar could ever dream of) had to say about Gonzales. Damn shame, too. It's a bit longwinded, but well worth the read. The last paragraph says it all:
"The continuing effort to blame the torture scandal on a 'few bad apples' among our soldiers while rewarding Mr. Gonzales with promotion to Attorney General is a despicable signal for America to send the world. We should not support a nominee who has done so much to harm America's basic interests and fundamental values. I urge my colleagues to reject this nomination."

"Gosh-a-roonie, Mr. Gonzales, this is the coolest stopping-just-short-of-torture device I've ever seen!"
While the official word is not yet out, there is a possibility that Joe will come to his senses somewhat and actually join the Democrats in voting no to Gonzales' confirmation as
It seems that Senator
"The continuing effort to blame the torture scandal on a 'few bad apples' among our soldiers while rewarding Mr. Gonzales with promotion to Attorney General is a despicable signal for America to send the world. We should not support a nominee who has done so much to harm America's basic interests and fundamental values. I urge my colleagues to reject this nomination."
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