Sunday, October 23, 2005

Not Everybody Got It Wrong

Arianna Huffington has a great post up on her blog with a list of journalists who, unlike the compromised and now-discredited Judith Miller, had it right about WMD in Iraq before the war. Joe Lauria, for instance, has this to say:

"I didn't get it wrong. And a lot of others who covered the lead up to the war didn't get it wrong. Mostly because we weren't just cozying up to Washington sources but had widened our reporting to what we were hearing from people like Mohamed ElBaradei and Hans Blix, and from sources in other countries, like Germany, France, and Russia. Miller had access to these voices, too, but ignored them. Our chief job as journalists is to challenge authority. Because an official says something might make it 'official,' but it doesn't necessarily make it true."

There's a lot more. A lot more. if you haven't seen it yet, check it out.
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