Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Explains a Lot

I realize this is probably just too easy to ridicule, but here is a direct quote, from a reader named Kristi, pulled from the comments section of a minor right-wing blog, to a post that links to one of my posts condemning the Idiot in Chief for his most recent criminal activity (and essentially repeats the current Republican Talking Point by speciously asking, "What did he do that was wrong?"):

I suppose I idolize Bush way too much, because even if the facts were right in front of my face, I would probably still deny that he did anything illegal!! Even hearing that people accuse him of it infuriates me!! Yes, I know, maybe I’m too trusting or too naive, but I don’t care….I like Bush!!!

Isn't that the problem in a nutshell? The cult of personality, the Cult of Dubya, the blind, slavering devotion even in the face of incontrovertible facts... how does one counter this type of unreasoning, illogical loyalty to an idealized demagogue? Obviously not everyone who agrees with and supports Preznit Can't Git Fooled Agin is so blatantly Harriet Miers-like smitten as Kristi appears to be, but really, isn't there an element of her fawning obsequiousness in most every article of apologia, every spin being spun, every essay excusing him extant today? It's the driving force behind such apologists as Assrocket, Bobo the Times Clown, Headrush Limbaugh, "Jeff" the Cock-Headed Man-Whore, even folks like Joementum Lieberman. They all love the guy, he can do no wrong in their eyes, and it hurts them to see him get criticized by those of us who continue to live in the reality-based community.

This is what we're up against. This is what makes our task so difficult -- facts are useless to this type of idolater. Kristi and her worshipful comrades are beyond our reach; they've long ago drunk the Kool-Aid, and virtually nothing can or will convince them that they are mistaken. They're the 36 percenters, the hard and fast core group of True Believers who made their minds up once and have no intention of ever changing them.

It would be laughable if it wasn't so damned pathetic -- and dangerous to us and to the rest of the country.
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