Sunday, December 18, 2005

Letter to the Editor: Admitting Guilt

Here's a letter I sent to the San Francisco Chronicle this morning. Whether it gets published or not remains to be seen, but I think the message needs to be spread as far and wide as possible.

Editor --

The president needs to be held accountable. He has lied us into a war, with disastrous results. His profligate ways, including numerous tax breaks for the very wealthiest among us at the expense of the poor and the middle class, have saddled us with an unprecedented national debt and are threatening to bankrupt the country. His administration criminally mishandled the response to one of the worst natural disasters in our nation's history (and continues to bungle the job even now). The people in his immediate employ have been responsible for policies that condone extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention without charges of suspected terrorists and foreign combatants, and torture. To top it all off, he has just admitted to having broken the law and violated the Constitution numerous times over the past few years by authorizing wiretaps on American citizens through the NSA.

NOW can we impeach him and his entire corrupt administration?

-- EW, San Francisco

I truly believe that the revelation of this spying incident is -- finally! -- a tipping point for the Worst President Ever™, the long-awaited straw that will end up breaking the camel's back. The unbridled arrogance of George Bush combined with the hubris of his entire administration has led them all to believe that they have been and now remain above the law; so much so that Preznit Smirk himself can boldly and unapologetically announce on national radio and television that he is, indeed, a criminal. His claim that he was only breaking the law "for the good of the country" rings as hollow as the lies he told in order to lead this country into an unnecessary and disastrous war, as hollow as his insistence that that bloody war is somehow "making America safer," as hollow as his now nearly-forgotten assertion that he is a "compassionate" conservative.

I know a lot of you out there have had your outrage indicators running in the red for far longer than anyone ever should -- I've suffered many bouts of outrage fatigue myself -- but I honestly believe that, armed with this astounding admission of guilt by the Perpetrator in Chief, now is the time for all of us to step up and insist that the president be held accountable for his crimes. Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper; contact your senators and representatives; post articles and comments in the blogosphere; march in the streets if you have to. We can't afford to wait any longer; for America to survive, George Bush has got to go. Now.
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