Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Ventriloquist Speaks

Well, isn't this just the perfect set-up -- Shotgun Dick Cheney is scheduled to go on FAUX News later today to answer questions about his poor aim and lack of a tag for the Texas lawyer he bagged on Saturday. (Meanwhile, "peppered" Harry Whittington has apparently recovered from his buckshot induced-heart incident enough to keep charges from being filed -- so far.)

Can't you just imagine the softball questions Vice Preznit Coronaries For Everyone will be tossed? It will be like swatting marshmallows with a sledgehammer for the honesty-challenged Veep. In fact, odds are that by the end of the press conference, most wingers out there in I (Heart) Bush-land will be convinced that the shooting was all either Ted Kennedy's or Bill Clinton's fault. I can hear the spin machines cranking up already...
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