Thursday, March 09, 2006

Drinky Crow Recommends...

Yes, it's that time again (and if you read the BARBARian blog regularly or are on my email distribution list, you already know about this) -- time for the gathering, the drinking, the conversations about politics and blogging and life in general; it's time for another meeting of the Bay Area Resident Bloggers and Readers Drinking Society and Political Action Committee. A Drinkfest, a toast to the Ides of March, a warm-up, a precursor to the Amateur Night that is St. Patrick's Day. It's time to get together and hoist a few, next Wednesday, March 15th.

As we so often do, we will return to the scene of the crime original BARBARian gathering, Ben & Nick's Bar & Grill in Oakland, just across the street from the Rockridge BART station. Ben & Nick's is now allegedly WiFi-enhanced, so bring your laptops and we can email each other from across the table and avoid having to shout over the din.

Be there or stay sober!
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