Monday, March 27, 2006

Links From One Of My Favorite Frogs

Couple of good posts over at our pal Kvatch's Blognonymous today. The first has to do with the Kvatch Kommandos, a group of soldiers with a message to send to the good people of the Bay Area (and the rest of the country as well), and how, unlike their beleaguered counterparts in Iraq, they're advancing and really making progress.

The other one that I like has to do with the post I made last week concerning the GOP ad currently out, the one that shrilly warns that if the people elect Democrats in '06, the likely outcome is censure and/or impeachment of Preznit Dain Bramage. (If only we could be sure that that would happen!) There are some great comments there, perhaps best of all Kvatch's suggestion for slogans the Democrats should be using in their election strategy: "The Republicans don't believe in the Constitution" and "The Republicans believe the President is above the law." I think these themes ought to be repeated liberally (pun intended), pounded into people's heads every day from now until November, to get our message through.

There's also a link to the ad in question there (it's a .pdf file of the email I sent out last week, with my message and the the ad), so you can see it for yourself. Check out the lily pad when you get a chance!
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