Wednesday, March 29, 2006

You Go, Joe

Well-known blogger and fellow BARBARian The Poor Man has a great post up (which itself is linked to a story on Daily Kos) quoting much of a speech recently made at Florida State University by ambassador Joseph Wilson (Mr. Valerie Plame), in which the ambassador took some mighty swings at quite a few low-hanging softballs (Bush, Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Ken Mehlman, Scooter Libby, Ann Coulter, etc.) and knocks each one out of the park and into the cheap seats. Here's just a small taste:

When the Democrats take control of Congress, their first order of business needs to be crushing the neoconservatives out of power in every foreign policy arena. Drive a damn stake through the heart of every single one of them, whatever it takes. They have been wrong, fundamentally wrong, on every…single….position they have ever taken. They have not been right about one single thing.

Really, you should read the whole speech. Joe says things that I wish all Democrats today were saying. As someone in the comments there put it, it "makes a fella proud to be a Wilson." I couldn't agree more.
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