Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Demons 12, Me 0

And... exhale.

I'm breathing less than David Blaine these days. If you've visited this site in the past three weeks or so, you might be under the impression that major combat operations have ended at The Generik Brand. Maybe they have. I've been wrestling with some particularly vile demons here in the meat world lately, and simply haven't had the time -- nor much of an inclination -- to keep up with the posting. It's not like there isn't plenty of fodder out there, what with the continuing implosion of the Crookedest Administration Ever, the precipitous drop in Preznit Hubris' poll numbers, the crushing of said Preznit by Stephen Colbert's mighty Kansas-sized testicles at the White House Correspondent's Dinner (and resultant cries of "He wasn't funny!" by the lapdog media), the resignations of Porter Goss and Dusty Foggo from the CIA, which has nothing -- nothing! -- whatsoever to do with Hookergate, huh uh, no sir, and of course the revelation by USA Today that we're all under surveillance now -- among other things. It's just that... well, hell, there are plenty of other bloggers out there who have covered all of those stories and more, and in a manner far superior to anything I can do. So maybe I'm rethinking what this site is and should be. Or maybe I'm just taking a breather -- when I can catch my breath, that is -- for the time being, and will soon continue to soldier on as if nothing ever happened. It's not as if I've lost my interest in politics, it's just that it's difficult to post when you've got a couple of red goat-footed guys with horns and tridents pinning you to the mat every day.

My apologies to anyone who may have missed me in my absence. I'll try to get back into the swing of things here again soon.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat as necessary.
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