Wednesday Vacation Blogging: San Francisco!
Can I really call it a vacation if I live here? It was a three-day weekend... and San Francisco is a vacation destination for millions of people. But I suppose this is actually just an excuse to post some pictures from the Carnaval parade and festival that happened last Saturday and Sunday. Oh well!
The trick to shooting the floats and participants in the parade is to get there early and walk through the staging area on Bryant Street before the whole thing starts.
Dragons at the street fair. Not sure what dragons have to do with Carnaval, but I liked the way they looked.
"I don't think that word means what you think it means." I'm hoping one of my Spanish-speaking readers will enlighten me as to what this word really does mean.
What I really enjoy about shooting in the staging area is the candid shots of people relaxing and getting ready for their moment in the sun.
The colors of the floats and costumes are outstanding, made even more dramatic by the great early-morning sunlight.
Of course, some people think there's really only one reason to come to Carnaval...
You can find more pictures at my photo site, here.
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