Friday, September 08, 2006

No Connection? No Duh!

Well, here's a surprise -- or it might be to fans of the Limbaugh-Coulter-Little Green Footballs crowd -- a Senate report released today (and why do these sorts of things always get released on a Friday, when there's little chance of them getting the media coverage they deserve? I wonder...) concludes that there was NO -- none, zero, zip, zilch, nada, nothing, not one -- connection between Saddam Hussein's regime and al Qaeda. No connection between Saddam and Zarqawi. No capacity for nuclear weapons or other WMD (despite what Senator Man On Dog Santorum and a few other wingnutty Congressfolks recently claimed about "chemical weapons being found, proving the administration right"). In other words, no justification whatsoever for the bloody war and continuing occupation of Iraq.

Are we surprised? Are we shocked and awed? Not me. I'm sad and cynical and bitter, just like I was when the shooting began, only more so now that it's become the costly debacle it is today.

Jesus H. Mahoney, what will it take for the American people to wake up, for the Democrats and the public to rise up against the Criminal in Chief and his malicious cronies and demand that they be brought to justice? ITMFA. Impeach the mother fucker already.
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