Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hot Links With Mustard!

Apologies for the lack of postings lately, blah blah blah and also yadda yadda, etc. etc.

To take your minds off my lack of focus and dedication to this space, here are some links to other sites that I think many of you will enjoy. For instance, here's some good news about the NSA wiretapping scheme being declared unconstitutional (can I get a resounding "Duh!!" from everyone?). Glenn Greenwald has plenty to say on the subject, which should be big news if it weren't for that guy who killed JonBenet Ramsey getting all the press at the moment.

Now how soon can those articles of impeachment be drafted?

Speaking of impeachment, here's an interesting site on the subject. I'm waiting for a new car to be delivered in the next few weeks myself; maybe I'll order up one of those ITMFA vanity license plates for it when it gets here.

My pal Bob Geiger has a neat piece (cited in yesterday's, no less) on which Democratic Senators are backing Ned Lamont in Connecticut, and which are hemming and hawing, or are outright sticking with Traitor Joe. Shame on any Democrat who won't back the Democratic nominee! Bob lists some links for you to contact the wafflers and tell them to get with the program.

Reading this post yesterday at Unscrewing the Inscrutable led me to a website I'd never seen on the internets before -- the scary, sometimes hilariously funny, Fundies Say the Darndest (sic) Things. Be warned, though -- the virulent racism and hatred of many of these people who call themselves Christians is on full display here, and can be extremely offensive. You know, like "Macaca."

If reading some of the quotes there leaves you feeling like you need a bath in bleach and hot water, you can always visit this anti-racist site for a pick-me-up.

Personally, I stopped being a Ralph Nader fan in 2000, but this open letter to Preznit Air Assault is hard-hitting and certainly worth a read. Somewhat along those same lines is this entry at Daily Kos regarding Iraq War apologist-turned-critic Thomas Friedman's recent excoriation of Vice-Preznit Chicken Hawk, with some pointed questions for Friedman himself included.

Finally, for those of you in California (or who are just interested in the state), here's a new site set up to support Phil Angelides in his quest to send Arnold back to Hollywood. Or Austria. Or anywhere but Sacramento.

Okay, kids, now get off my lawn!
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