Thursday, January 18, 2007

Making It Legal - Sort Of. Maybe.

So the Mail-Opener-in-Chief and his craven little toady Attorney General, overgrown midget Abu Gonzales, have announced that they are making a big change to the NSA spying program and will, after all, start going to the FISA court for warrants to wiretap and read the email of Americans they don't like suspect of colluding with terrorists. This turn of events couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the Democrats now control Congress, and are already starting to turn up the heat on the furnace of oversight that had been completely abandoned by their Republican predecessors, could it? D'ya think?

But really, what does this mean? Is it just an attempt at some retroactive CYA? (Maybe.) Have they actually seen the error (and unconstitutionality) of their ways, and now want to play by the rules? (Unlikely.) Or is there more to it than that? (Probably.) Glenn Greenwald discusses the possibilities in today's, in an article worth a read.

I have just a couple of comments on the situation: One, even if they start playing by the book now, there are still years of criminal action behind them for which they need to be investigated and prosecuted. And two, after all the bullshit that they've dispensed since taking power, why should any of us believe them when they suddenly say they're going to now start following the rules? My personal feeling about Preznit Smirk, to quote Mary McCarthy, is that "every word he utters is a lie, including the words 'and' and 'the'."

Impeach 'em all, I say.
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