I know, I know, big surprise there, right? It's like Claude Rains in
Casablanca saying that he is "shocked,
shocked!" to learn that there is gambling at Rick's. In just the latest of dozens -- if not hundreds or thousands -- of such instances, the Miserable Failure in Chief
has been caught in yet another prevarication. This time it has to do with the escalation of the war in Iraq, the number of troops that will be sent and the amount of money that will come out of our pockets to pay for it. In the State of the Union speech, Dubya said that he wanted to send "more than 20,000" troops to try to quell the raging civil war over there. As it turns out, "more than 20,000" equals anywhere from 35,000 to 48,000, when support troops such as headquarter staffers, engineering, intelligence, medical and military police personnel are factored in. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that this "surge" will cost up to $27 billion for a 12-month deployment. Imagine what America could do for its people here at home with $27 billion. Imagine not sending thousands more Americans overseas to become simply more grim statistics and future patients at understaffed and underfunded VA hospitals. Imagine.
ITMFA. Impeach the motherfucker(s) already.