Wednesday Joementum Blogging
Today's dose of Joementum comes courtesy of Senator Joe Biden (D - Rhode Island Red Delaware), who, though he asked a few tough questions of Condi Rice in her confirmation hearings yesterday and today, didn't have the cojones -- or rather, the ovaries -- of his colleague, the courageous Barbara Boxer (D - California), to ultimately vote against her. Senator Boxer at least had the integrity to vote no to Rice's replacing Stepin Fetchit Colin Powell as Secretary of State, after exposing her once again as the lying, incompetent lapdog flunky she always has been. You go, Barbara.
Here we see Spineless Joe demonstrating just what a man he really is by making a little girl cry. You go, Joe. And take Lieberman with you.

Here we see Spineless Joe demonstrating just what a man he really is by making a little girl cry. You go, Joe. And take Lieberman with you.
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