Thursday, February 10, 2005

More GOP Media Shenanigans

Well, well, well. The hubbub over Armstrong Williams, Maggie Gallagher and Mike McManus was all but blown over. Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the media pool, it would appear that the Bush maladministration has a bit more 'splainin' to do. It seems that a "reporter" callng himself Jeff Gannon -- who was really a shill associated with GOPUSA named James Guckert -- has been a prominent figure in the regular White House press briefings, making a name for himself ("making a name for himself"! Ha! I slay me.) by asking leading, loaded questions in order to further the Bush agenda and cast aspersions on Democrats and anyone else who might have the temerity to disagree with the Torture Party Republican party line. Guckert has been one of the few reporters to get called on regularly, as poor Scotty McClellan needs every softball he can get pitched to him these days.

Research further reveals that not only is Guckert a Republican activist blatantly pushing the propaganda of the realm, but that he also has a side interest in activities that many, if not most, Republicans might find less than aboveboard. Personally, I'm not going to argue that either prostitution or homosexuality is wrong or immoral, but I do find it rather amusing when someone who is a member of a group that prominently espouses just those views is found to be engaging in one or both of those activities. I believe the correct term for that is "hypocrisy."

You have to wonder how Guckert's sideline will play with the Lou Sheldon-James Dobson-Jerry Falwell crowd. I'm sure we'll be hearing from them on the matter very soon... very... soon...


In any event, here's just one more charge of corruption and malfeasance to add to an already overburdened list of dirty deeds done dirt cheap by this worst of all possible presidential administrations. That camel's back is bound to break at some point.
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