Wednesday Joementum Blogging
Filling in today for Joementum, our favorite little Democratic Senator who wishes he could be a Republican when he grows up, is none other than that brand spanking ("Ow! Thank you sir, may I have another?") new darling of the right, Jim Guckert. Apparently Joe himself is busy either exploring new head of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff's flinty pink buttocks, or he's off celebrating the win of Carlee the German shorthaired pointer at the Westminster Dog Show.

"I may not have kissed as much Republican ass as Joe has over the years, but I'll bet I get paid more per smooch!"
Because who better to substitute in the nasal prostate probing department than a fake reporter with a documented M4M background? Pucker up, Jim/Jeff/whatever your name is today! Scotty's waiting, and there's a line a mile long after him!

"I may not have kissed as much Republican ass as Joe has over the years, but I'll bet I get paid more per smooch!"
Because who better to substitute in the nasal prostate probing department than a fake reporter with a documented M4M background? Pucker up, Jim/Jeff/whatever your name is today! Scotty's waiting, and there's a line a mile long after him!
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