Thursday, March 03, 2005

Pravda American Style

Here at The Generik Brand, there's nothing we love so much as a good shot of whiskey. Therefore, we recently ordered a double over at Billmon's Whiskey Bar, and were we rewarded beyond our wildest dreams. Seems he's got a little post there comparing the current state of the press here in the US with that of Preznit Dubya bin Bush's butt-buddy best pal Pooty-poot's sycophantic corps of propagandizers, and guess what? The Americans measure up in every detail, if by "measure up" you mean that they are tightly controlled and self-censoring, and perfectly willing to shill for the Preznit and push the White House agenda at every turn.

Let's all take a moment to mourn the death of honest journalism, and spare a thought as well for the late, great First Amendment.
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