Monday, October 24, 2005


Thanks to the editorial writers at the Wall Street Journal, we already know how the Republicans plan on combatting the potential damage from the highly anticipated Fitzmas indictments (if, indeed, our dreams come true and they do come to pass), as they laid out in great detail just exactly what the RNC-approved talking points will be over this past weekend. (Not only that, but Kay Bailey Hutchinson, conveniently forgetting all about the Clenis impeachment and proving once again that overt hypocrisy is still the stock in trade of the Republicans, made the comment on one of the Sunday screaming head shows that she hoped the indictments would be for "real crimes," and not something insignificant like perjury. Well, yeah, I hope the indictments are for "real crimes," too. Like perjury. And obstruction of justice. And revealing the identity of an undercover CIA agent. And lying to take the country to war.)

But! Thanks to the ever-vigilant World O' Crap, those Republican talking points have already been refuted, point by point. The post detailing the WSJ fallacies is a thing of beauty, and should be spread far and wide throughout the blogosphere. If you haven't seen it already, you should all check it out, if for no other reason than to have your arguments ready when one of your winger friends (or some idiot TV pundit) starts bloviating about "criminalizing politics" or "insignificant crimes like perjury" or some such bullshit.
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