Thursday, November 17, 2005

Fire In the Preznit's Pants!

Marianne Means has a very good piece up today about Preznit Mendacity's latest attack on those of us who would call him on the canards that were bandied about in the lead-up to his favoritest little war with Iraq. This pathetic attempt by the Partisan in Chief (not to mention his Boss) to finger-point and play the blame game (as Scotty McLyin' might put it) is so transparent as to be invisible; the mess in Mesopotamia is everybody's fault but his, he tells us, most especially the Democrats'. Fortunately, fewer and fewer people are buying his particular brand of bullshit these days. His support has dwindled and threatens to continue to drop until all that's left are the high corporate muckety-mucks whose fortunes are directly tied to his policies of continuing to rob the poor to feed the rich, and the Limbaugh-Savage-Hannity-listening True Believers out there who are apparently just too damn dumb to tell black from white, and who will continue to insist that, as one hate-mailer to me put it, "Bush is GREAT, GREAT, GREAT!!!!!" regardless of all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Here's just a bit from Ms. Means' column:

(Bush's) attempt to fight back by smearing critics as unpatriotic is in itself unpatriotic. We still have free speech. The push for war came from him, not Congress. His critics were hoodwinked but they didn't give the invasion orders.

To further debase his counterattack, he threw in another pitch for a constitutional amendment to ban desecration of the flag. This is an embarrassing attempt to hold on to right-wing conservatives, whom the polls say are the only supporters he has left.

Wrapping himself in the flag is an offensive, crude gimmick that signals political desperation. If Congress is fooled by that meaningless distraction, its members are dumber than we think. And we think they are pretty dumb.

Read it all, and weep. Or, better yet, do something about it.
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