Sunday, November 06, 2005

Still the Hand That Moves the Puppet

It would appear that many of us have been wrong about how best to proceed with ending our long national nightmare by bringing down the Bush maladministration. While some of us have been holding out hope (admittedly futile) that somehow, some way the people of America would wake up and raise enough of a hue and cry about Preznit Peeance, Freeance's high crimes and misdemeanors that our elected officials would have no choice but to institute impeachment proceedings, perhaps what we should have been working towards all along is, rather, the impeachment of the Puppetmaster, the Edgar Bergen to Bush's Charlie McCarthy (or, perhaps more accurately, Bush's Mortimer J. Snerd), Evil Dick Cheney.

"Gawrsh, presidentin' is hard work! A-hyuck!"

While Jingo McCodpiece has been flailing away like a man drowning in mid-air, slip-sliding into ratings oblivion and shown to be an overmatched pretender on the international stage, the man with his hand up the ass of the Head of State has been increasingly exposed to be the one running the show all along. And what a show he's running! Sidestepping even his own purported boss's security people, Evil Dick's aides have been pushing for the freedom to torture for both the military and the CIA. Cheney and, to a lesser extent, Rumsfeld have been the ones doing all the heavy lifting behind the scenes -- certainly they are the primary architects of the Iraq war, and must bear responsibility for the direction of the majority of the policy decisions made by this maladministration -- and it seems more than likely that poor clueless Condimelda and her husband have been left in the dark about a lot of it.

So if that's true, why bother going after Preznit If I Only Had A Brain? The one ace he's had up his sleeve up till now has been Karl Rove, and who knows how much longer Turd Blossom will stick around, whether he wants to or not? (The guess here is that his expiration date is not much past the first of the year, but that's pure speculation on my part, so take it with however many grains of salt as you wish.) Preznit Snerd is proving himself more and more to be both ineffective and ineffectual, inept and overmatched. Social Security reform is dead. He can't get a Free Trade agreement off the ground in South America. Iraq is a disaster. His closest subordinates and Congressional water-carriers are being targeted with indictments. Nobody trusts him to do anything right, especially after the Katrina debacle. So why bother with the figurehead when you can sink the ship out from under it? I say we start a movement to impeach Cheney, and get rid of the real power behind (and cancer within) the presidency.

As they used to say about Nixon, "Dick Cheney before he Dicks you!"

Oops, too late... how about: "Let's all get together and knock Dick in the dirt!"

Impeach Cheney NOW.
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