Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fitzmas Eve

According to CBS News and a few other unauthorized sources, tomorrow, Wednesday is the day that we all find out if we get ponies or lumps of coal for Fitzmas. Speculation, of course is running rampant, and names are being bandied about with abandon. Surely Karl Rove and Scooter Libby will be among those indicted -- if, indeed, anyone actually is indicted -- and Steven Hadley's name has been mentioned by some, as well as Ari Fleischer's and a few other button men. But more importantly, Dick the Big Kahuna is also potentially on the hook, and I can't tell you how big a helping of schadenfreude that would be to see that Major League Asshole ("Big time!") brought down by the long arm of the law. Whose puppetmaster's (or puppetmistress's) hand goes up Preznit Witless's ass if Crashcart goes? Who cares?

Man, I can't even pay attention to the World Series, I'm so nervous and excited. I haven't enjoyed politics this much since I was a teenager and watched Nixon get his dick knocked in the dirt. (I don't care if he's dead, I still want to impeach the bastard!)

What a fitting tribute it would be to the 2000 Americans (and many, many times that number of Iraqis) who have died as a direct result of the BushCo lies if the originators of those lies were to be made to do the perp walk very soon for their crimes against this country. However, the unfortunate part of this whole equation is that Preznit Deer In The Headlights still retains the power of pardon, and is sure to do his utmost to see that The Gang That Couldn't Conspire Straight ends up safely free from license plate duty and cellmate-husbands named Bubba.

Ah, but we can dream, can't we?

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow, you're only a day away.
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