Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wednesday Vacation Blogging: New York City

Up to my ears in alligators lately, but that doesn't mean I can't waste a few minutes here posting pictures from my recent trip to the City That Never Sleeps, So Nice They Named It Twice, New York, New York.

New York rules.

Mrs. G and I took a brief trip to the Center of the Universe a few weeks back, celebrated Halloween and her birthday there, and just generally behaved like tourists from Nebraska let loose on the big city for the first time ever. It was delightful. I'm putting these up with apologies to Bob Geiger, Marissa Cox, Mike Roney, Marti Burki, John Crimmings and everyone else I know who lives in the area and who I neglected to get in touch with while I was there. Sorry. Next time, I promise.

Fresh air! Times Square!

Times Square times two.

Marching in the Halloween parade in Greenwich Village.

More Halloween marchers.

I joined the cast of Monty Python's Spamalot for some medieval hijinks.

New Yorkers are bullish on Wall Street.

You can get anything you want in New York. Anything. If you can't find it there, it doesn't exist.

On Sunday, they closed down 7th Avenue for a street fair.

The Empire State Building.

The Chrysler Building.

This bridge is available for sale to any one of the 34% of Americans who still think George Bush is doing a good job.

I'll take Manhattan.

Better make it a double. (And don't forget one for the King of Zembla!)

This used to stand for something, way back in the 19th and 20th Centuries. With luck, it will again some day... but probably not for another three years, at least.

"No Fricken pictures!" Photographs are not allowed inside the Frick Museum. Oops.

Buildings. I shoot buildings. You got a problem with that?

The Albanian community is huge in New York.

Looking south from the observation deck of the Empire State building.

Fall foliage in Central Park.
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