Monday, March 13, 2006

Spineless, Nutless, Useless

Right now there are only two things you can say with absolute certainty about our current government:

1) George W. Bush and his entire corrupt administration deserve to be impeached;


2) it won't happen.

Two somewhat related articles shed light on these truths (here and here), and I urge you all to read them and then throw up your hands in despair, and weep for the loss of a once-great country do something about it.

But what? I wish I knew. I'm open to suggestions, but at this point, I'm nearly at the "throwing my hands up" stage. I'm about as sick of spineless, shadow-fearing Democrats as I am of evil, arrogant Republicans. For the past five years, I've been saying that "if such-and-such happens, or comes to pass, we are well and truly fucked." Well, guess what? We are well and truly fucked, and it's going to take a hell of a lot more than just the '06 or '08 elections -- even if, by some miracle, the Republicans lose power -- to fix things.

At least, that's the view today here from Mr. Negativity. Maybe tomorrow will be brighter -- but I doubt it. I'd love for someone to prove me wrong.
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