Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We're All Screwed

Over at Eschaton, Atrios' home base, guest blogger Attaturk had something to say today that I think needs to be disseminated on a wide basis. Despite that fact, I'm reprinting it here for my small coterie of readers. You go, Attaturk:

Neither party has the guts to stand up and truly inform the public on the general "ineffectiveness" and weakness of terror groups. Anyone who actually said so would have the bodies of innocent civilians thrown at their feet and the "fear" words would come in a Katrina-level deluge...

What is not needed, are needless wars and the inflating of the threat into one that can topple our nation and our government. That is something we can ONLY do to ourselves. Osama "may" aspire to it, but only we, ourselves, have the means. If this situation isn't confronted, as much as Bush and the GOP need to be replaced, the Democrats that follow them will only be better by degree, the bromides will just take a slightly more moderate phrasing and a more tolerable mode. But the cancer will remain -- keeping you shitting your pants will be the Republican method of politics, keeping you angst ridden and afraid you'll shit your pants will be the Democratic mode.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. How about someone out there on the political landscape with the courage to really tell the truth?

Naaaah. It's like coming out against the War on Drugs. Ain't gonna happen, not in my lifetime or yours. More's the pity, too.
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