Monday, April 30, 2007

Dude, That's Like So Random Flickr Blogging

Steve, feeling proud and honored at first, didn't realize just exactly what it meant to be picked as the first sacrificial victim of the cult until it was too late.
"See this? This came outta me."

"Really? Outta you?"

"I had something like that come outta me once."

"Mom! I've been missing that for like three days now! Give it back!"
"See, I'm the Decider! In other words, I'm the guy that does all the decidin', and it's hard work, decidin' everything! Heh heh heh. But like I said before, mission accomplished. In other words, the mission that we set out to accomplish has been accomplicated. Heh heh heh. And it was hard work! No one suffers more than me and Laura!"
It took a dedicated team of engineers and some specially designed equipment, but Madonna's diaphragm was finally installed correctly this past week.
Once Artie got the promotion and the raise, he let the money go to his head. For instance, instead of just shaving, he would hire escort service women at exorbitant prices to bite the individual whiskers off his face.
"This whole" *glub* "global warming thing, with the seas rising, and" *glub* "all that, it's just a lot of hooey, a hoax." *glub* "There's really nothing to it at all." *glub* "Oh, hello," *glub* "may I help you?"
Tired of having to compete for Jim's attentions with the younger, more vivacious Ellen, Kate finally takes out her rival with a swift, well-timed karate chop to the throat.
You know, I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing this close-up of Marlon Brando wearing a thong. The rest of my life. And been happy about it. *sigh*

(Original images, #3847, posted here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Random Flickr Blogging explained by Tom Hilton here.)
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