Saturday, May 19, 2007


Two corrections from items recently posted here:

First, obviously John Aravosis (and anyone else in DC who was buzzing last night) was wrong about little Alberto Just Sign On The Dotted Line, Sick Boy Gonzales having anything close to the moral character or sense of ethics to resign. Not sure why I even posted that; maybe just because I want to see it happen so badly. But given his propensity to stonewall, obfuscate and cheerfully lie through his teeth in defense of his lord and master Bush, it seems that it may take a genuine Act of Congress to remove him from office. Can we start today? How about Monday? Does Monday work for you?

Second, one of my pals and semi-regular readers (hello, Jazz!) points out that I took it perhaps a little too easy on Jerry Falwell and his untimely demise. I said that I wasn't sorry, and that I was never a fan of the man in any way, shape or form. What I meant to say was that I was sorry the bigoted, homophobic, sexist, racist, sanctimonious, hate-mongering, clueless and banally evil sonofabitch had missed the Rapture and had died apparently rather peacefully, instead of in a horribly long and drawn out tortured, screaming, bloody debacle.

To sum up in a good news/bad news format: The bad news is that Alberto Gonzales remains ensconced in the office of Attorney General. The good news is that Jerry Falwell remains dead.

The Generik Brand regrets the errors.
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