Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Reynolds Wrap Fedora

Keeping up once more with the tinfoil hat crowd, this time thanks to my good friend Scott...

I've referred to Preznit Fiery Freedom on more than one occasion as the Anti-President, but here's a site that goes that one step beyond. Pulling no punches, it accuses Uncurious George of actually being Damien from The Omen. What drew my attention to the otherwise un-noteworthy rantings on this site, though, was this claim, which I just found delightful:

"St. John the apostle, the author of Revelation, was a Jew who wrote in Greek, but he thought in Hebrew."

How can you not appreciate a concept like that? Not only does the author of this site know who wrote Revelations, but he knows what language the guy spoke and in what language he thought. That's amazing! Personally, I write in English, but I think in Esperanto. Or is it Pig Latin? I often get those two mixed up.

In any event, though I poke fun at this website, I'm not necessarily saying that I disagree with the basic premise...
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