Thursday, January 06, 2005

We'll Burn That Bridge When We Come To It

An article in today's SF Chronicle (online says that the Bush administration is hoping that American aid to tsunami victims in the Indian Ocean region will help mend some fences with Muslims in those countries who hold extremely negative views of this country. Something like 83 percent of Indonesians -- up from 60 percent just a year earlier -- viewed the US unfavorably in a 2003 Pew poll.

So in spite of the fact that around the Muslim world we are perceived as hell-bent on pursuing an all-out war against Islam, as evidenced every day by the conflict in Iraq, George W. and his pals think that we can still win over the hearts and minds of these people by flying in some helicopter loads of water and food. With a few phrases straight from Cliche Central, here's what we at The Generik Brand think of that idea:

That dog won't hunt.

They're locking the barn door after the horse is out.

Day late and a dollar short.

Like tits on a boar.

And so on. In other words, good friggin' luck, you morons.
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