Thursday, February 03, 2005

Confirming the Grand Inquisitor

Thanks to Levity in Action for this photo and accompanying link...

He's got a great post on the subject, with some very appropriate links. Here's a bit of it:

"Alberto Gonzales actually has a long record of helping criminals get around the law, instead of helping to enforce it. In today's news alone, U.S. courts have ruled again that holding Guantanamo prisoners without access to attorneys has been illegal - just the latest in a series of illegal and unconstitutional acts by a White House that has been relying on Gonzales's advice.

"Also today, Gonzales is being added to an international war crimes case. The evidence against him includes his own testimony before the Senate this month! He still condones cruelty and abuse of prisoners, and evidently thinks the President is above the law. This testimony even convinced several Senators, who were planning to support him, that he couldn't be a worse choice for U.S. Attorney General."

Thanks to that post, I was able to send a comment to Senator John McCain about the confirmation of Little Elian Alberto VO5 myself. This is what I wrote:

Dear Senator McCain --

In the upcoming vote to confirm or deny Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General of the United States, I strongly urge you to vote no. Having suffered the pain, the humiliation and the cruel indignities of torture yourself, it is mystifying and mind-boggling to many good American citizens why you might choose to give your support to someone who wants to excuse the practice by rewriting laws and skirting established treaties. Please re-read Senator Kennedy's remarks on the issue.

If you do go ahead and vote to confirm, as reports indicate, you will have revealed yourself not as a man of dignity and principle, but as just another bought and paid for partisan hack, willing to subjugate your ideals and your morality simply for the sake of partisan gain. Does your Republican ideology really trump the ideal of human rights and human dignity? Do you want the Republican Party to be known as the party that condones torture from this day forward? I would hope not.

Sincerely, etc.

Am I holding my breath? No. But we all should do what we can.
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