Thursday, March 17, 2005

Ann Coulter NUDE!! (Shameless Pandering to the Right Wing)

1. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

2. This trick seems to work for John over at Blogenlust every couple of weeks...

Courtesy of Wonkette, via Blogenlust

Here she is, you brigades of horny Freepers, you lonely Little Green Footballers, you members of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists, Virgin Bens and various other supporters of the current Fascist Theocracy: Ann the Man Coulter, naked and loaded up on suds, just the way you like her. Imagine she's sitting at your table right now; the Roofies have started to take effect, and your quotes of Limbaugh and Hannity and Savage are causing her to swoon, and maybe even get erect wet. Now, slowly, go in for the kill...

Go on! Get to it, conservo-boys! Have at her, indulge your fantasies and don't even think about whether she is or is not anatomically correct. (Actually, she's about as correct as a Ken doll, although she is a hell of a lot more masculine.) Now's your chance to put your, uh, money where your mouth is, or wants to be, or... criminey, I'm even grossing myself out now...

Gee, I hope this works. Maybe with this and a serious post about Condi Rice's chances of attaining the presidency in '08, even I can get a plug from Howie one of these days...

(Seriously, congratulations on that last, JC!)
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