Wednesday Joementum Blogging
Here it is Wednesday already, and what's this blog's least favorite wannabe-Republican, the morally bankrupt Traitor Joe, up to this week?

"We're just bending the rules a little bit more, so that the credit card companies and banks of this great country can earn an even bigger profit!"
It would appear that he's leading the charge of the 13 Democrats Who Should Be Ashamed of Themselves for joining in with theirmotherfucking greedy corporatist Republican colleagues and voting for cloture on the equally morally bankrupt bankruptcy bill. Who needs this bill? Who wanted it? Besides the fat, pig-bastard banks and credit companies, I mean. This bill makes it much harder for poor and middle-class folks to get out from under crushing medical or credit card debt, and further lines the already-full-to-overflowing pockets of some of the wealthiest contributors to the Fascist Republican Party.
Traitor Joe obviously never met a corporate-enriching piece of legislation that he didn't immediately like, and want to take out to dinner and a movie and ply with expensive jewelry and buy a nice house in the Hamptons for. Thanks, Joe. Did we mention that you're a worthless, boring waste of skin, and that we wish you would go home and leave the Democratic Party to the Democrats?

"We're just bending the rules a little bit more, so that the credit card companies and banks of this great country can earn an even bigger profit!"
It would appear that he's leading the charge of the 13 Democrats Who Should Be Ashamed of Themselves for joining in with their
Traitor Joe obviously never met a corporate-enriching piece of legislation that he didn't immediately like, and want to take out to dinner and a movie and ply with expensive jewelry and buy a nice house in the Hamptons for. Thanks, Joe. Did we mention that you're a worthless, boring waste of skin, and that we wish you would go home and leave the Democratic Party to the Democrats?
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