Wednesday Joementum Blogging
Thanks to Elton at Busy, Busy, Busy, today's Joemoment consists of his visage being grouped with some other ostensibly swell Americans (past and present) in an ad campaign attempting to make sure that insufferable bully and freakish walrus-man John Bolton gets confirmed as Ambassador to the United Nations.

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is- oh, I know: only one person depicted here is actually, physically dead. The other three are only brain-dead.
The ad compares Traitor Joe and his fellowfascists Republicans with such America-haters and Bolton opposers as Ted Kennedy, Jimmy Carter and John Kerry. I'm sure Holy Joe is proud to be included in such upstanding company as the felonious shredder Oliver North and the gone-but-still-doing-damage-to-the-country Ronald Reagan.
You work it, Joe! 2006 can't get here soon enough.

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is- oh, I know: only one person depicted here is actually, physically dead. The other three are only brain-dead.
The ad compares Traitor Joe and his fellow
You work it, Joe! 2006 can't get here soon enough.
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