Friday, December 02, 2005

Have I Mentioned That You Can't Spell "Idiot" Without "ID"?

Speaking of the American press... on my flight home from DC yesterday, I had occasion to read the complimentary USA Today that had been left at my hotel room door that morning. (I also read the Washington Post, did the crossword puzzles in both papers, read a good bit of an old Harper's magazine and slept a bit -- it was a long flight.) In the USA Today was one of the most ridiculous pieces of -- well, I hesitate to call it "journalism," as it is more properly referred to as, oh, let's see... garbage? Crap? Pure, unadulterated horseshit? Something along those lines.

It was a piece on the op/ed page regarding the teaching of Intelligent Design, and featured a so-called "dialogue" between a so-called "liberal Democratic strategist" named Bob Beckel -- who makes Alan Colmes look like Noam Chomsky -- and conservative bag of fetid balloon juice columnist Cal Thomas, in which they both agreed that Intelligent Design should be taught in the schools. I was disgusted by the whole exercise, not least because of Beckel's supposed (and unwanted!) representation of my side of the political spectrum in the "argument." (Actually, it was more of an agreement than an argument. Beckel was apparently there to make Thomas look almost sane.)

Not wanting to waste all day slamming both of those idiots for their ridiculous and unfounded arguments, imagine how pleased I was then to discover this morning that the ever-vigilant PZ from Pharyngula had already taken on Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dummer in his most excellent blog. Read the full story there, and enjoy the carnage!
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