Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Death of Yep, Another Goddamned Blog

My pal JurassicPork wrote me yesterday to tell me that he had deleted his blog, just wiped out the whole thing entirely. Gone, kaput, finito. It's now a 404-Page Not Found spot. History.

Man, that's harsh. Blogospheric suicide. Not even abandoning the site or just curtailing the posts (like a lot of us do from time to time), but actually erasing the whole damn thing.

He started up a few months after I did, in part (as he told me at the time) because he was inspired by my efforts, and wanted an outlet for his own creative writing and interest in left-wing politics. His blog became much bigger than The Generik Brand ever will be, getting far more traffic and attention, and was known for his long posts and regular features like Assclowns of the Week, a take-off on DemocraticUnderground's Top Ten Conservative Idiots of the Week. JP never pulled any punches, and apparently made some enemies along the way, both on the right (which is a given in our line of endeavor) and on the left. From what I gather, his shutting down came in response to one too many sites admonishing him or deleting his comments or banning him altogether for disagreeing with and/or feuding with some of his more-established contemporaries. As he put it, he got out of the blogosphere in order to keep his sanity. I don't know all the particulars, and though he told me a little about what happened, I don't feel like it's something I should pass along or speculate about.

Instead I'll just say farewell, and raise a glass in salute. So long, JP, and thanks for all the rants.
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