Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Another in my irregular series of Letters to the Editor of the SF Chronicle that most likely won't get published:

Editor --

So after putting up a modest fight with a petulant president who refuses to compromise on the issue of bringing troops home from Iraq -- something that nearly three-quarters of all Americans want, as shown consistently in recent polls -- the Democratic-controlled Congress decided it was somehow the better part of valor to cave in to the craven bully and give him exactly what he wanted all along ("Dems bow to Bush on funds for war," Chronicle, 5/23). Thank you, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid and your colleagues for selling us down the river. Remind me why we voted for you again -- I thought it was to help bring the bloody occupation of Iraq to an end. Apparently it was simply so you could continue the rubber-stamping process of the previous Republican Congresses in acquiescing to the criminal excesses and inept policies of the worst president in history.

I'm disgusted with all of them.

Love, Generik

(Cross-posted at the BARBARIAN Blog.)
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