Thursday, January 06, 2005

Paging Dr. Mengele

Despite a few Democrats raising some uncomfortable issues, it looks as if there's nothing to prevent the confirmation of Little Elian Alberto VO5 Gonzales as Attorney General in the next day or so. Lovely. An incompetent attorney who has risen in the ranks mainly by kissing Bush butt, the man who thinks torture is an idea whose time has come will soon be our chief lawman.

"Are you dead yet? No? Then you're not being tortured."

On the bright side, we will probably never have to hear him sing "Let the Eagle Soar," or worry about laws being passed making calico cats illegal or Crisco anointments mandatory.

However, we still have much to be afraid of... as Tom Tomorrow has said, if you voted for Bush, this is what you voted for:

Senators, if you vote to confirm Gonzales, this is what you voted for. Sleep well.
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