Wednesday Joementum Blogging
Here's a shot of the unfortunately not very rare Joementumfish (Lackspineicus obsequious) in its native habitat. The Joementumfish is usually found in the same waters as the unendangered Humpbacked DiFi (Mediocritus wasteofskinus) and the toxic Zellyfish (Turncoaticus insaneus). This gentle creature exists mainly on plankton, krill and Republican-generated effluvium.
"Gosh, Dr. Rice, I think you're about the best candidate for secretary of state that any president could have ever picked, ever! And would you tell that nice Judge Gonzales that I think he's really swell, too? Wow!"

"Gosh, Dr. Rice, I think you're about the best candidate for secretary of state that any president could have ever picked, ever! And would you tell that nice Judge Gonzales that I think he's really swell, too? Wow!"
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