Thursday, February 03, 2005

We Pause for This Commercial Message

Over at Attack Ad of the Day, James puts together fictional ads that should run on our nation's television sets. Here's the latest:

Social Security Attack Ad

Average Guy (not a redneck, just a decent looking middle-class guy)sitting on his couch watching a TV. Kids running in and out of the house.

Wife calls out from the kitchen: "Honey, the privatized Social Security account is due."

Husband: "Gee, Honey, I just don't know whether we should go for the hedge funds or the junk bonds this time. What do you think?"

Wife: "Oh, I don't know hon. Maybe we should call the family stockbroker."

Husband looks into camera dumbfounded: "Uh, family stockbroker?"

CAPTION ACROSS SCREEN: "Privatizing Social Security is for People Who Don't Need It. Count on the party that created it to protect it... THE DEMOCRATS"

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